- February 2025
Location: Sevilla, Spain Utility/Costumer: Plenium Partners Configuration: 50-200 MW CSP-PT Scope of services: Feasibility analysis and technical and economic optimization of a 50-200MW CSP-PT power plant to be located in Lebrija, Spain, including: Analysis of the solar resource of the site. Meteorological data configuration (TMY). Plant baseline configuration. LCOE optimization based on the relative size [...]
Location: Spain Client: Iberdrola Technology: HFO power plants, Natural gas combined cycle power plants Scope of services: Feasibility studies for the conversion of nine (9) heavy fuel oil power plants (Castellón, Aceca, Escombreras, etc.) to combined cycle gas-fired power plants.
Location: Spain Utility/Costumer: Plenium Partners Configuration: Solar thermal power plant with thermal storage Scope of services: The scope of the technical and economic feasibility and optimization study of the solar thermal plant includes the following activities Obtaining typical year meteorological files with different probabilities of occurrence: TMY P50, TMY P90, TMY P5. Updating the base [...]
Location: Algeciras Bay, Spain Client: ENEL/VIESGO Technology: CCPP 800MW Scope of services: Assistance with the permitting process, engineering and design services, and engineering support to the Client in the supervision of construction and management of testing and commissioning.
Location: Turkey Client: METCAP Technology: CCPP, 890 MW Scope of services: Technical-economic feasibility study. Owner's engineering services for feasibility studies and investment analysis.
Location: Turkey Client: METCAP ENERGY INVESTMENTS Technology: CCPP Configuración 2x2x1, 1080 MW Scope of services: Owner's engineering for the Dervish project, a combined cycle power plant using natural gas as fuel in a 2x2x1 configuration, designed for a net power output of 1080 MW: Owner's engineering services for feasibility studies. Development of the bid solicitation [...]
Location: Turkey Client: METCAP ENERGY INVESTMENTS Technology: CCPP Configuración 2x2x1, 1080 MW Scope of services: Techno-economic feasibility study, Owner's engineering services for feasibility studies and investment analysis for DERVISH's 1080 MW Combined Cycle project.
Location: Spain Client: Gas Natural Fenosa Technology: Coal Fired Power Plants Scope of services: Studies for the conversion of four (4) coal-fired thermal power plants: Meirama TPP, Narcea TPP, La Robla TPP and Sabón TPP, to natural gas combined cycle technology. Techno-economic feasibility study and Due Diligence.
Location: Veriña, Spain Client: Arcelor Mittal Technology: Steel Plant Scope of services: Technical-economic feasibility study: Feasibility study, technical due diligence, CAPEX and OPEX analysis, expected power factor of the plant, availability and electricity production analysis.
Location: Saudi Arabia Client: ACWA POWER Technology: IGCC Scope of services: Support to ACWA-led workflows (Construction Quality, Control Integration and Technical Risks) along with the Spare Parts workflow (Asset Validation), related to the Power Plant and Power Distribution System. Activities: Mechanical Systems Review. Review of electrical systems: I & C: Integrated Control Review. Civil Review Quality: [...]
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