What made each of these people so successful? Motivation is not an accident or something that someone else can give you — you are the only one with the power to motivate you. Motivation cannot be an external force, it must come from within as the natural product of your desire to achieve something and… Leer más »
- febrero 2025
Maybe even a calm indifference? But haven’t you seen people who seem to coast into good things, like the farmer who found the Hope Diamond? I’ve known people like that. In fact, after I’d been in Japan for a while and had set up a “channel” for business to flow through, I could just think… Leer más »
How does that feel? How do you affect those around you? How do they feel? Absorb every aspect of this path that you can take today if you so choose. Notice everything that you need to know about what it will be like if you carry on with the same behaviour, putting off change. Drift… Leer más »
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