Empresarios Agrupados has participated in more than 70 wind projects with an installed capacity of more than 4 GW. In these projects, our large multidisciplinary team of in-house experts has provided our customers with engineering, consultancy and auditing services throughout the entire life cycle of the wind farm, from initial development to construction, commissioning and operation, including all the electrical infrastructure for transmission was well as hybrid solutions and energy storage systems.
In the development phase, we accompany our customers from the conceptual design stage through the whole construction license application phase, carrying out the range of site characterisation studies (topography, geotechnics and hydrology), feasibility studies, grid access and connection studies, wind resource and bankable production studies, construction license application and permitting processes, basic engineering, tender engineering for EPC bids and preliminary electrical studies for grid connection.
During construction, we provide support in procurement tendering processes, preparing technical specifications and specifications for the EPC, BOS, BOP and main equipment. These services consist of technical bid evaluation and technical advice for contract negotiation, the monitoring of supplies and factory tests, and the definition of the detail engineering, including the design and calculation of wind turbine foundations and the final electrical studies for grid connection. For owners, Empresarios Agrupados carries out Owner’s Engineering activities, construction supervision and comprehensive project management through EPCM services.
For onshore wind farm commissioning and operation, we prepare all the “as-built” documentation, review action protocols, supervise commissioning tests and trials, take part in the plant acceptance tests, prepare the O&M manuals and provide technical support for project permitting and the farm’s connection to the grid.
This knowledge of the market, regulations and technologies and our experience in the business enable us to provide technical due diligence services in purchases and sales. During the project, we carry out market and regulatory studies and review the permits, authorisations and licences, the technical aspects of the contracts, the planned and actual resources and production, the design, the construction drawings and the O&M activities. This is technical input data for the financial model and allows us to rigorously and independently identify potential technical risks of the transaction and to propose alternatives and actions to mitigate them.
Business development manager:
Juan Miguel García-Borreguero Díez, jmgarcia@empre.es