Empresarios Agrupados coordinates the consortium in charge of the ‘DONES-EVO’ project

Empresarios Agrupados coordinates the consortium responsible for the ‘DONES-EVO’ project. An R&D initiative that aims to investigate new materials, processes and technologies that contribute to progress towards a sustainable nuclear fusion energy, in the field of DONES (neutron irradiation plant that will investigate the behavior of key materials under neutron radiation) in the first instance and with a view to the construction of DEMO (demonstration fusion reactor that will connect the electricity obtained from a fusion plant to the power grid) as key milestone.



The overall objective of Empresarios Agrupados is to investigate critical aspects involved in the operation of nuclear facilities such as DONES and DEMO, as well as to implement its design and safety capabilities to the various technological niches identified in the project. Specifically:

  • Design and analyze the systems involved in the handling of Lithium and its safety.
  • Design a mass transport model using Ecosimpro.
  • Define the necessary requirements for the production of radio-isotopes for medical purposes in the IFMIF-DONES facility in a feasible manner.
  • Conduct a study that addresses the conceptual design of the components required for the production of radioisotopes for medical purposes at IFMIF-DONES.
  • Analysis and definition of the safety protocols for the irradiation of the targets, their subsequent extraction, already activated, and their handling for their transport through the facility, in order to purify them and prepare them for their final export.
  • Development of tests of the conceptual designs developed in the previous tasks and investigation of their possible industrial application.


Project MIG-20211066 subsidized by the CDTI (Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) through the call “Misiones CDTI” Program for the year 2021 and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.