- September 2024
Location: France Utility/Customer: IO (ITER Organization) Period: February 2018 / December 2018 Scope of services: Design of the piping support assemblies for the detritiation system (DS) captive piping network on level B1 of the Tokamak Building. EAI was also awarded by IO an additional contract to analyse DS piping supports on level B2 of building [...]
Location: Cadarache, St. Paul-lez-Durance (France) Utility/Customer: IO (ITER Organization) Period: 2013 - ongoing Scope of services: Design, procurement, installation and commissioning of the ITER CSS-N. The scope also includes the qualification of the PSS-N. Part of the design activities: environmental qualification of the product, including ageing, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and seismic resistance. The main milestones [...]
Location: Cadarache (France) Utility/Customer: Fusion For Energy (F4E) Scope of services: Design, procurement and construction of the 36 buildings of ITER, their services and the Power Distribution System. Technical challenges: Size and complexity of the installation, and lack of inputs for equipment First-of-a-kind building and equipment Load uncertainties Licensing process of a prototype basic nuclear [...]
Location: Cadarache (France) Utility/Customer: Fusion For Energy (F4E) Scope of services: Supply of the 27 Normal Heat Flux (NHF) First Wall (FW) panels that represent the Firm Part of the in-kind European contribution to the construction of the ITER blanket. A layer of 440 panels will form a first wall to protect the chamber housing [...]
Location: Cadarache (France) Utility/Customer: Iter IO Scope of services: This phased, long-term contract will cover the pre-assembly and installation of the millions of components that make up the plant systems supporting the ITER machine, including fuelling, vacuum, diagnostics, cooling, power, and heating. The assembly contract for the Tokamak Complex will include mechanical and piping works [...]
We celebrated the 12th anniversary of Engage, company created with 3 other engineering partners to work on ITER, the emblematic nuclear project in Cadarache. All participants have demonstrated the team spirit built during the last 12 years. Congratulations to all the teams that have participated in the ITER Project, as well as to the organization […]
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