- February 2025
Location: Spain Operator/Client: Confidential Configuration/Power Output: 200 MW (ELY), 90 KTm/yr Scope of Services: Pre-FEED
Location: Spain Utility/Customer: Enresa Scope of services: For ENRESA, EA undertook the basic engineering studies, safety analysis and feasibility studies for the final disposal of spent fuel and special wastes in deep geological formations (granite, salt and clay). It included the following: Basic engineering of the surface facilities and different options Basic engineering of the [...]
Location: Cofrentes (Valencia, Spain) Utility/Customer: IBERDROLA Plant/Reactor: BWR, GE, 1102 MWe Scope of Services: Support during operation: Engineering services Various projects for Plant modifications Safety and Licensing, PSA Support for the Interim Spent Fuel Storage Installation Power uprating: Balances, thermohydraulic studies and design modifications Participation in the life extension programme Upgrading of the Fuel Pool [...]
Location: Almaraz de Tajo (Cáceres, Spain) Utility/Customer: Iberdrola (53% of the 2 units), Endesa, Unión Fenosa Plant/Reactor: PWR, W, 1049 MWe, Unit 1, PWR, W, 1044 MWe, Unit 2 Scope of Services: Engineering support to Owner during operation: Engineering and design of changes and modifications Plant Life Extension Programmes Projects for Plant backfitting and upgrading [...]
Location: Curtis (Spain) Utility/Customer: UTE Acciona Industrial -Imasa Configuration: Biomass plant using forestry residues. Power: 50 MW Scope of services: Engineering, Consultancyand Design: Full basic & detailengineering.
Location: Cubillos del Sil (Spain) Utility/Customer: Acciona Industrial Configuration: Biomass plant using forestry andagricultural residues and straw. Power: 50 MW Scope of services: Engineering, Consultancyand Design: Full basic & detailengineering.
Location: Villar de Cañas (Cuenca, Spain) Utility/Customer: ENRESA Plant/Reactor: - Alcance de Servicios: En 2003, ENRESA contrató a EA para prestar servicios de Ingeniería de la Propiedad, en un proyecto de diseño y evaluación por parte de la Autoridad reguladora de una instalación de almacenamiento de combustible gastado y residuos de alta actividad en una [...]
Location: La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) Programme/Customer: GRANTECAN (Gran Telescopio Canarias) Scope of services: Basic and conceptual project: Conceptual design and basic project, including analysis of total budget for the GRANTECAN telescope project General Arrangement and siting of the GRANTECAN Telescope, dome, mechanisms and auxiliary buildings and installations Alternatives and optimization of the design of [...]
Location: NAVARRA (SPAIN) Utility/Customer: IBERDROLA RENOVABLES Power: 110 MW Scope of Services: Site assessment Construction license application Detail engineering Detail design of foundations Power grid connection studies
Location: Almaraz de Tajo (Cáceres, Spain) Utility/Customer: Iberdrola (53% of the 2 units), Endesa, Unión Fenosa Configuration: PWR, W, 1049 MWe, Unit 1, PWR, W, 1044 MWe, Unit 2 Scope of Services: Full-scope project engineering: Basic and detail engineering in civil, mechanical, electrical, I&C and plant design Preparation of licensing and permitting documentation Procurement management [...]
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Tag Name: Spain
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